Thursday 7 January 2016

55 Ways of Saying 'Drunk'.

As the weekend is here, how about some words to describe the state of drunkenness?

Be careful using these words because they are slang and have different levels of politeness- for example telling your 80 year old home-stay mother that last night you were 'fucked up' is never a good idea. 

Also slang words come into and go out of fashion very quickly. The word 'pickled' is almost never used these days and might only be used in understatement as a joke. You might describe someone who is extremely drunk as 'a little pickled'.

Furthermore, get the slang wrong and it can sound ridiculous. Take 'rat assed'. Tell someone that all the people in the pub ' had the asses of rats' and they will still be laughing this time next year.

To give you some idea I have graded the words from one to four- 1 mild to 4 strong.

I have also marked them with an 'OF' if they are now out of date or old fashioned. Most are either UK or USA English (sorry, other English speaking countries) and I have indicated which are which. 

3 sheets to the wind. 1, Becoming rare. Annihilated 2, Rarely used. Arseholed  3, Quite common UK (note the UK spelling of 'arse' not 'ass'.

Battered 2 Bent 2 Rarely used. Blitzed 2 Blotto 1, Very OF. Bombed 2 Boozed 2, Rare. Buzzed 2 USA.

Cabbaged 2, Rare (but I like it). Fizzucked 2, Very rare (but again I like it). Fucked up 4, Common, particularly USA. 

Gassed 2, USA. Hammered 2, UK. Hosed 2,USAJuiced 2,USA. Legless 2, UK.Loaded 2 quite OF. 

Messed up Common, particularly USA. Moellered/Mullered 2, UK. Rarely used.

Off (one's) tits 3, UK. Common. Out of (one's) tree 2, UK.Pickled 1, Very OF, UK. Pie-eyed 1, Very OF, UK.

Piss ass drunk 4, Rarely used  UK. Pissed 3, Most common UK (means 'angry' USA). Plastered 1, Not as common now.

Rat-arsed 3, UK. Rat-assed  3, USA. Ripped 2. Ripped to the tits 4 UK. Roasted 1, rarely used. 

Sauced 1,  Not as common now.Shit-canned 4, Rare in the UK. Shit-faced 4, Common in the UK.

Slaughtered 2 Smashed 2  Smoked 2, USASnookered 2, Rarely used UK. 

Soused, Rare in the UK. Steaming 2, Nearly out of use in the UK.Tanked 2, USA Tanked up 2, Becoming rare UK.

Three sheets to the wind 1, Becoming rare. Tight 1, OF UK  Tipsy 1, Very OF UK

Toasted 1 Rare in the UK. Trashed 2. Twisted 2. Wacked 2.  Wankered 4, Quite common UK.

Wasted 2, Common. Wrecked  2, Common. Zonked 2, Becoming less common.

There are many more words, expressions and similes which use the structure:
As + adj for drunk + as a + noun. E.G. 'As pissed as a fart' 4 Common UK.

All English speaking countries- Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand etc- have a rich vocabulary of slang words that I am not aware of and have not be able to include. 

Please send me your favourites.

Have a great weekend and... Cheers!!

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